Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Kardashian Always Pays Her Debts

Bear with me here, for some reason I can't embed videos today...


As of today, I am certain of one thing:

Kim Kardashian the real world version Tyrion Lannister, from Game of Thrones

Kim and Tyrion are more similar than we might admit. Ruling out the obvious gender and height differences, Kim's father Robert was one of the richest and most powerful  men in California

and Tyrion's father Lord Tywin is the great Lion of the West

They both have, particular public personae that they live up to
Let's be honest, they're both rather Impish

And their both of their first marriages both lasted mere weeks, but that's neither here nor there...

But what really sells it is, under this guise of carefree party animals, they both can play the game very well.

Tyrion knew there was a rat in the small council- but he didn't know who. So he went to the small council, and told each one of them he was sending the princess to a different Kingdom.

He told Pycelle he was sending here to House Martell of Dorne, he told Varys he was sending here to the Greyjoys of Pyke, and he told Littlefinger he was sending her to the House Arryn of the Vale

Next thing you know, the Queen is asking "Why are you sending the princess to Dorne?"

And like that, Tyrion learns the rat is Pycelle, and makes swift work of him...

Kim Kardashian just had a baby (North West, giggle). She is one of the most photographed people in the world. She wanted some semblance of privacy for her daughter, but she wanted to make sure she wouldn't be betrayed by her own "Small Council".

So she sent 6 different pictures of 6 babies, none of them North West, to 6 of her friends. 

One of these fake pictures was picked up by the papparazzi.
And Kim knew which of her friends was the rat.

So one of two things happened here: either Kim K watches Game of Thrones
Kim is more shrewd than her persona let's us believe, just like my other favorite Imp.

I'm sure Robert would have had similar things to say as Tywin about their secretly clever offspring...

ok, well Robert would have been nicer about it...

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